Oregon Pythians
Friendship, Charity and Benevolence

If Fraternal love held all men bound what a world this would be!
The Knights of Pythias organization consists of a Supreme Lodge, which has jurisdiction over the entire Order in the United States and Canada. Their website can be accessed here:SupremeLodge
The Grand Lodges (Domains), having jurisdiction over all lodges within a particular state, district, territory, or province. This website that your are viewing is from the grand lodge:OregonPythian
The Subordinate Lodge is the lodge of the individual member of the Order located in cities, villages, or towns within the Grand Lodge Domain.
The Order does not seek to shape the creed of its members and is not a religious organization. It is required that everyone who seeks membership must have a belief in a Supreme Being. How the members worship that Supreme Being is a matter of their personal choice.
Grand Lodge Officers
Grand Chancellor | Lonnie Winkler |
Grand Vice Chancellor | Bill Sneathen |
Grand Prelate | Brad Heller |
Grand Secretary | Charlie VanDomelen |
Grand Treasurer | Ed Yates |